Pence Gallery 2022
Life Whispers, Listen Carefully
Solo Installation at the Pence Gallery in Davis, California. I was honored to present this exhibition during NCECA (National Council On Education for the Ceramic Arts) in Sacramento.
Our natural resources are precious and limited. Connectivity is critical in art, as it is in sustainable community. The tendency to see other as object is the foundation of our folly, turning living organisms into commodities which we then harvest and exploit at our peril. To live consciously is to reverse that paradigm and see all living things as the subjects they truly are and, by doing so, to see in them a reflection of ourselves. I believe we are at this critical transition.
The Tree Women represents a community of subjects, each with a different face and spirit that can speak to us. Each with a story and, behind it, the lore of the overstory and understory of all trees – from those that line our roadways to their ancient ancestors and primeval forests. These are the stories that inspire me, this is where I find fertile ground.
The Installation Process and Maquette
Installing work at this scale creates the opportunity to work with many talented people. I enjoy this process and allow for changes. Maquettes allow me to think of the entire space as a visual experience - light sources, entrances and substrates, the height of the walls and color - all parts contribute to the whole.

Branding and Website Designer in the Dallas?FortWorth area. Specializing in branding for creative service providers who want an authentic brand.